Success Stories

Julia and Obad
I am so happy that I have met my man and future husband Obad here on Dream Singles!When we met in chat for the third time, he asked my permission to visit me in my town. He is a professional photographer and had some work here in Odessa, Ukraine. We have met in Voznesensk.I didn't have a possibility to come to a café because of my little son Maksim, I cooked a very delicious dinner for us. I am so happy with my Obad, I call him Obdushka or Obdushen�™ka. We are thankful to Dream Singles for having the possibility to be together! My Obad tells me and everybody else that I am the best treasure he has ever had. From the first date we were introduced to each other, because I am a woman with good experience in life, with two kids after all. I have two sons: Maksim will be 1 year old and Michael, he is a school boy already. Obad was so kind to my boys and he still is. He said that he liked me very much and said he would be happy to be the father for my kids. I started to call Obad papa (father) for Maksim. He speaks English, French, and Egyptian languages. I learned English in school only, so I started to learn English intensively and Obad, my dear, helps me with that. Obad, also, starts to learn Russian with Maksim.Now we are so happy. He is the best man I have ever dreamed about, so I am for him. We are going to visit Obad in Paris this autumn. He helps me to make my old dream come true: to rebuild house of my grandmother. Now we are building together a garage near the house to come here on weekends. And we are going to buy a car for it.He is very honest. I will do everything for him.Hope our story will give real hope to people, who are still in search of their dream. You must believe in it, and be honest, and serious about finding someone special.
Julia and Obad , Ukraine, on 29 August 2008
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