Success Stories

Olga and Andreas
I would love to tell to everyone that it�™s possible to find a man!!!When I went to this site I believed that we can find a love if we want to find it! I started my searching about 1 year ago�¦ Yes, it was a hard time for me, but I kept hopeful all this time�¦ And I met Adreas here :) He flew to my native city-Nikolaev!!! I was afraid of this meeting, because my English is not well, but I had a big desire to meet a man whom I like�¦We had a nice dinner in Nikolaev, we talked to each other, we smiled and joked. I think that we have chemistry, and this feel is very important for me. We spent not a long time, but it was a wonderful time together. I understood that meeting is very important, only at that moment I understood more�¦I understood that I really like this man and I hope that our next meeting will be very soon�¦ After our meeting we promised to each other that we will see each other as soon as it�™ll be possible!!! I am waiting for his next visit�¦
Olga and Andreas , Ukraine, on 01 July 2009
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