Success Stories

Marina and Jason
Hello, Marina came into my life when I least expected it, and at a time when I was not pursuing the prospects of having a relationship or stating a family. My original intent of joining Dream Singles was to explore the website, look at a few profiles and then shortly later cancel my membership and continue on with my life. However, my thoughts on having a relationship changed after seeing the large number of letters I began to receive. After reading some of the many letters that were sent to me by women on Dream Singles I came to the conclusion that there might be something more to my original visit to the Dream Singles website and decide to see where a few letters that had caught my interest would lead. One of the letters I first read was a letter from Marina. Marina is an amazing and wonderful woman. Her beauty is only a small part of who she really is. After writing to her for four months after we first met, I knew I had met a remarkable woman who I had much in common with and wanted to have a future with her. I took the first serious step in our relationship and met her for the first time in December of 2011 in Ukraine and spent four wonderful days with her. The hotel I stayed at was very nice and the staff was able to assist me with anything I needed and had staff that was able to speak English. Dream Singles assisted me prior to my visit with Marina by delivering flowers and gifts to her. During my Visit Marina showed me much of her city and we spent many hours enjoying each others company and conversations. We saw a couple of movies, went bowling, ate at a few very nice restaurants, and enjoyed a quite stroll in a park. She has a good sense of humor, is very understanding, she knows who she is and what she wants, and is very passionate about my well being. After I returned home we continued writing many letters and I now believe she is my beloved and true match. We share too much in common to spend our lives apart. Like any couple we have had our challenges, and a disagreement will appear every now and then. But we share a commitment and a goal of sharing our lives with each other that is stronger than anything negative that has come our way and every challenge we have faced we have easily overcome and resolved together. I have been there for her and she has been there for me no matter what the situation. There is no other woman in the world I would rather be with than Marina, and no other woman matters more to me than Marina. Members of my family also know about Marina and they too adore her and consider her to be a future member of our family. Both our families, from letters I have read and sent, show an interest in both of our well being. While visiting Marina in Ukraine I was given the opportunity to meet with Marina's mother. She is a very nice woman and I was happy to be told by Marina that her mother likes me. In less than a week Marina and I will be taking another important step where she will be visiting me where I live. She will also have the opportunity to meet my mother, who has told me on many occasions that she adores Marina and thinks she is an amazing woman. Dream Singles deserves a lot of my gratitude for bringing Marina into my life. I am never going to forget the day I decided to visit the Dream Singles website because of the wonderful changes they have brought to my life. Thank you for everything Dream Singles.
Marina and Jason , Ukraine, on 20 December 2011
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